Colette Dunn

Senior Veterinary Nurse

Colette Dunn - Senior Veterinary Nurse
Colette Dunn RVN Senior Veterinary Nurse

I joined the team on reception in February 2017 after working in retail and as a receptionist in A&E. I am now in training to become a Registered Veterinary Nurse and I am loving every second!  I particularly enjoy learning lots of new skills and of course getting to cuddle all of the lovely patients that we see in on a daily basis.

I've been an animal lover for as long as I can remember and my house has never been pet free.  Over the years I've had numerous hamsters, a budgie, goldfish and even a couple of mice! I'm currently the proud owner of Chubby Cubby, a Russian Dwarf hamster rescued b ARC and Loki the mischievous Norwegian Forest cat.